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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

latest news:akim dpt surat panggilan interview uitm shah alam...

morning all gafimmers...hope all of u sihat2 n hepi hendaknya...u all mmg best...just drop by to share some latest news about akim...

mm,smalam before balik keje,i sempat online kejap...tak lame pastu,my phone received a massage...that massage said that akim dpt panggilan interview ntuk further study dlm diploma seni muzik kt uitm shah alam...previously,after he got his spm result,i try to apply ntuk akim further study via online...

that message said i kene pegi web site uitm ntuk print surat panggilan tu...i pn print that letter...menurut that letter,akim kene attend interview ntuk kemasukan ke diploma seni muzik kat uitm shah alam on 11 April 2009 kol 8.30...mase i isi borang application online tu,memang dorang dah mention coarse mcm arts,muzik,acting n other kind of coarse under uitm yg ade kaitan ngan seni ade interview ntuk kemasukan...

but the problem is i tak tau wether astro leh bagi pelepasan ntuk akim attend that interview or not...i sgt mengharapkan astro dpt bagi pelepasan just for that moment cz for me,akim need to further his study...just pegi jek...kalo ade rezeki akim dpt offer from uitm,tak semestinye akim kene trus masuk intake julai 2009...maybe bleh tangguh kemasukan cz i pn tau akim ade kontrak ngan astro kn...n akim ade responsibility kt all fans gak...i also harap akim dpt at least record 1 single as a little present to all gafimmers...

bagi i sbg abg akim,i rase akim perlu gain more knowledge,bukan just ntuk improve dari segi nyanyian,but also to improve his communication skill,n also transform him to a better likeable icon in future...

mm,ok...thatz all for today...hope to hear comments from u guys...

p/s: i post gambar arif (adik akim)seperti yg diminta oleh some gafimmers...


  1. salam, muning am...

    wah, tahniah akim kerana dipanggil utk interview further study diploma seni muzik. thanks kat along dia sbb tlg apply utk adik dia yang comel ni. hehehe...

    yup, i sokong 500% akim kena sambung study. biar dia jadi artis/penyanyi yang berilmu. so he'll know what he's doing dan ke mana hala tuju dia. bukan nak main tangkap muat dan mengejar glamer semata2.

    dah banyak penyanyi baru yg i nampak 'hilang' mcm tu je sebab dikaburi dgn dunia glamer dia semata2. kalau kita tgk betul2 artis/penyanyi yg betul2 berjaya, mereka sememangnya betul2 fokus, dan tahu apa yg mereka mahu. i really hope for the same thing for akim. i really do. i mmg nakkkkk sangat tgk akim berjaya dlm bidang nyanyian, kalo buleh bukan kat sini je, tp mcm yg akim ada sbut sndiri ari tu, kt persada antarabangsa. wahhh...

    hope akim dpt la pegi intebiu tu. i'm sure all akim's fans akan doakan yg terbaik utk dia! chaiyok2!

    p/s: so proud sangat to know akim dpt family yg supportive and willing to guide him 'menuju puncak' ;)

  2. Tahniah Akim, harap-harapnya dibenarkan pergi interview tu. Semoga Akim menjadi artis yang bijak dan profesional dalam bidang seni yang diceburinya....

  3. tahniah, utk akim.....along blh tau akim ni xda adik beradik pung ke..........

  4. Wahhh, Am please kontek astro mintak pelepasan tu.

    Rugi kalau x dpt pi.Maybe bleh mintak interview awal2 than bleh sambung prektis blk.

  5. bstnyer..
    btw cOngrate kat akem..
    cerah mase dpan kalO dpat gi uitm..
    am try tepOn ar..
    ktOrang akn suppOrt akem..
    dOnt wOrry..

  6. mintak2 Astro bg pelepasan utk Akim gi interview tu. dan harap2 jugak Akim berjaya dlm interview nanti.

    p/s: mesti ramai org serbu Akim kalau de gi interview tu.

    nak apply degree utk tahun depan la. leh jumpe adik Akim di sana...

  7. Akimmm! gud lak..
    muge2 dapat pelepasan =)

  8. elok la tu gi sambung belajar...kalau setakat SPM je tak ke mana pun !! kami tetap akan sokong

  9. bgoz ar cm 2....
    AKIM kne smbung belajar....
    ape2 pn GAFIMMERS tetao sokong AKIM...
    I'M YOURS!!!!!!!

  10. Yup..

    Sokong jgk..!!

    Ilmu tu penting kan?

    Moga2 dpt pelepasan ;)

  11. pastikan akim jd seoarng artis yg berilmu...bkn main bo jer..

  12. Akim!!
    hope Akim dpt pelepasan,
    1 peluang yg besar tu,,,
    we will support him!!

  13. first of all..
    Congrats to Akim!!!
    i thing he need to further his study..
    if his futher it ppl will respect him as a quality artist..
    then ppl not easily judge him coz ppl know his
    i will pray for it!!!
    hope astro give him to attend that interview!!
    i will support him till end!!!

  14. congrat!
    2 of myfriends pown dpt gak..
    sorg art,sorg agi seni bina.
    klu xsilap..
    arap die dpt pgi..

  15. saya dah sms orang yg sepatutnya mengenai interview tu. harap2 diorang call am.

  16. ye insyaALLAH ktrg doakan akim dpt plepasan sok..
    tp blew da approve 2,
    ckp kt dye,jgn leka sgt..
    sbb akim byk responsible...
    so,rmai yg mnaruh hrpn pde dye.....

  17. tapy....
    kan ary sabtu ade konsert..
    takot astro ta bagy:(

    jom doa kan pehak astro bagy!:)

  18. gud luck kalo dpt g inteview 2...


  19. cngrts akim!
    hopefully astro will give permission fer akim to attend that interview.
    and he SHOULD further his studies bcse now,xrmai artis yg ade dploma n dgree smua..
    soo all the best yawww ;D

  20. akim nmpk lain dri akim dulu n skang.:D.he looks better.anyway,abg akim or along,hw old is ur lil bro?:D.just tnye.:D

  21. hmm..congrat 2 akim...hrp astro bagi peluang utk akim..

  22. emm..act bpe ek full results akim?
