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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"along,jom shopping kt jusco nk?"

Jam telah pun menunjukkan kol 9.15 mlm...mase tu along baru je sampai rumah kat jb dari melaka...its really tired...biasenye sampai je umah along akan borak2 ngan family...baru nk start borak,ibu mencelah mintak tolong along belikan akim baju ntuk akim audition oiam kt KL...aduh,penat mengenangkan ibu n akim,along gagahkan gk r pi jusco yg x berapa jauh dari rumah...
waktu tu da kol 9.30,along n akim quite rushing ntuk survey baju...yg along terbayangkan is just baju kemeja lengan pendek...tapi along still tanye akim wether die suke or tak baju yg along pilih...baju kt butik mmg la cun but its quite expensive,n in addition time tu along lum gaji terpakse la survey baju ikut budget...pusing punye pusing kt jusco tu,x jumpe baju yg sesuai...yela,mane la nk wat pilihan dalam mase yg singkat mcmni...kitorg da mcm menyertai pertandingan "shop n win" lak kt jusco tu...huhu..sume org tgk semacam je..ah,peduli ape,bukan kitorg kaco dorg pn...
at last along pn jumpe r kemeja yg agak menarik...along pn tanye akim ok ke tak...then akim pn jawab,"ok la long...",sedih lak dengar suare die...along pn ckp,"xpe kim,nnti ko dpt lepas stage kt oiam tu,along blanja ko baju kt butik k,amcm?"...akim trus bersemangat..."ok long,cantik...akim leh lepas punye"...but akim x lepas stage oiam tu...mase tu akim memang sgt frust...some of frenz yg akim kenal mase kt oiam (emilia n juan) suggest kt akim ntuk try masuk mase tu akim ckp tengok r dulu...hehehe...tengok la dulu ape,last2 akim masuk gak audition AF7 tu n jd one of AF7 students...huhu...
rilex bro,u can do it...competition is really tight...but along percaya,win or lose,akim will done very well outside there...our family n all gafimmers always support u...


  1. kami sentiasa support akim..

  2. yezza....will always support akim...go akim go..

  3. kami mmg selalu support akim...
    cutenye akim...............

  4. yeay..story baru dr along...

    berkat baju yg along beli..dah sempurna impian akim skang....

    baju cokelat kunen petak2 yg akem slalu pakai tu ker yg along beli????

  5. heee..
    akim pki baju ape pun ttp cute lah!!
    we all gafimmers always support u, akim.
    ggooooo akim!!!

  6. ahahaha... akim posing, very the comel one... tq along for de pikcer... tepek la banyak2 lg ek.. hehehe..

    yup yup... all the best utk akim... hope dia akan sukses all the way! aminnnnn....

  7. hikhik posing yg comel..=)
    AKIM....weols will support u!!
    sukses k..

  8. along, ltk la gambo akim ngan arif kt sini...nk sgt tgk gambo dorg time dh beso nie...tul ke cam kembar...tq along tuk story2 best sal akim nie...

  9. Tq for the story... gmbr masa budak tu hensem kan?? dah besar lagi la hensem..

  10. cutenyer akim..:) alhamdulillah akim skrg dh nk smpi ke final kn..we luv u akim!n menyokong kuat afiq hakim :) go akim!

  11. akim is the best n hensem guy....
    cute r....he is also a very good son...
    always with along,next time upload lg bnyk2 gmbr akim n u all...

  12. hahahhahaa abislah along membongkar gambar2 akim yg lama.

    gambar yg pegang dagu tu yg x tahan tgk tu.hahahaha

  13. yeah akim !
    kami mendoakan anda !!

  14. along2...
    add up more pics of akim k???
    xpecialy gmba die mse da skolah...
    in unifom...
    rmai gafimers yg nk tgk...

  15. akim bestt! hehe bru msuk thz blog.cntek sgt la rizz follower yg ke 140:p.. last2 akim jd gak student af7 kann

  16. aiyakkkk...
    ada nama ai ker?
    tau dak betapa susahnya nak memujuk mamat nih gi audition?
    setiap kali sms, YM, call, xde citer lain...
    semua pasal audition AF je...
    abih segala mak nenek tips ai bagi ok...
    tp alhamdulillah, dia masuk AF semua atas usaha dia sendiri...

    p/s: am, pastikan dia tak derhaka kat ai hoccay hahaha

  17. Juan..hang pandai tgk new talent eh..

  18. xde la pandai sgt...
    tp bila kita percaya tu, mesti ada sumthin...

  19. comelnya akim waktu kecik..kalau tengok akim kat af sekarang,memang nampak akim seorang yang kelakar dan suka mengusik...tengok jelah waktu dia usik ac mizal lepas persembahan yang dia nyanyi lagu situasi...comellah..

  20. :)
    u deserve it
    nnti jmpe kat jb yeay akimmm

  21. memang akim posing nampak comel dan hensem sang awwwwwwww cutenye :P
